for everyone living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
for everyone living in Ireland with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
FASD Ireland Workshops
We are pleased to offer the following workshops across Ireland:
Workshop: Introduction to FASD
Duration of Workshop: 2.5 Hours
Location: Online/Zoom
Suitable for: Anyone
Person living with FASD / Parent / Carer €25.00 plus VAT and Eventbrite fee
Professional (Clinician/Social Worker/Therapist)
€40.00 plus VAT and Eventbrite fee
Presented by:
Tristan Casson-Rennie
CEO, FASD Ireland
This workshop is also available to be delivered in-person and at a location of your choice, to groups of up to 30 people. For more information and quote, please get in touch with us at
In this workshop, we will cover:
Introduction to FASD is particularly useful if you would like to gain an understanding of what it is like to live with FASD, or to parent or care for someone who lives with FASD. We discuss symptoms and strategies, as well as alternative therapies that may help whilst waiting for a clinical referral.
Introduction to FASD is a great starting point for professionals who work with people living with FASD. Here is some feedback from a Social Worker that attended this workshop:
"This workshop was inspiring and the knowledge provided thought provoking.... The likes of this program is required to promote education and insight to support and respond to existing people living with FASD and try to reduce future numbers."
Whilst we recognise that 2.5 hours is a lengthy workshop, we have included a 10 minute break at the midway point, and time for questions and answers at the end. The workshop is not recorded and a copy of the slides will be provided by email after the workshop concludes. We ask that all attendees respect confidentiality when attending the workshop and especially if people choose to share personal experiences.
Training: Introduction to Non-Violent Resistance (NVR)
Duration of Training: 6 Hours (2 days)
Location: Online / Zoom
Suitable for: Parents, Carers & Professionals
Presented by:
Al Coates
Social Worker & NVR Practitioner
Cost: €100 plus VAT and Eventbrite fee
NVR Training is also available to be delivered in-person, at a location of your choice, in one day, to groups of up to 10 people. For more information and a quote, please get in touch with us at
A practical introduction to the principles of Non Violent Resistance for parents, carers and professionals, over two days - 3 hours each day.
This training will focus on:
As well as looking at the other key features of NVR and how these can be used to support families struggling with challenging behaviour.
NVR can be an effective tool to support parents, carers and professionals.
Early adversity, biology and family dynamics can impact on children and their behaviour and NVR can be used to support parents and carers who are living with challenging violent and aggressive behaviour.
Workshop: FASD in the Classroom
Duration of Workshop: 2 Hours
Location: Online / Zoom
Suitable for: SET's, SNA's, LSA's, SENCo's, Teachers and School Leadership Team working in Ireland or Northern Ireland, also people working at the NCSE and Department of Education, or Department of Special Education and Inclusion.
Presented by:
Tristan Casson-Rennie
CEO FASD Ireland
Cost: No charge
This workshop is funded by a Grant from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
In this workshop, we will cover:
There is no requirement to have a child or young adult diagnosed with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in your class, school, college or university to be able to attend this workshop. It is often the case that people are living with FASD and are undiagnosed, or have a diagnosis of one of the co-morbid or secondaty conditions of FASD.
This workshop is open to anyone working in Education in Ireland or Northern Ireland. The workshop is not recorded, and a copy of the slides will be provided by email after the workshop concludes.
You will be asked to provide your job title, school location and email address when registering for a place. If this information is not provided, or you do not work in education in Ireland, then regrettably your place will be cancelled.
Please note: If you reserve a space on this workshop, please do ensure you attend as spaces are limited. If you are subsequently unable to attend, please let us know so that another person may take your place.
FASD Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee is a not-for-profit Social Enterprise. Registered in Ireland. Company Number 708129. All Rights Reserved | FASD Ireland
FASD Hub Ireland® and FASD Hub Northern Ireland® are registered Trademarks of FASD Ireland (Class 44 registered in UK & Ireland)